Understanding PPC in Lean Construction: Measuring What Matters

Percent Plan Complete (PPC) is a key metric in Lean Construction, used to measure the reliability and effectiveness of planning processes. PPC tracks the percentage of tasks completed as planned within a given time frame, offering valuable insights into project performance. By consistently measuring PPC, project teams can identify patterns of non-completion, pinpoint the causes, and take corrective actions to improve planning accuracy.

The benefits of measuring PPC are substantial. High PPC indicates that the project is staying on track, with tasks being completed as scheduled, which minimizes delays and keeps the project within budget. Conversely, low PPC signals inefficiencies or unforeseen obstacles, prompting teams to reassess and adjust their strategies. Regularly monitoring PPC fosters a culture of accountability and continuous improvement, helping teams enhance their planning processes over time. Ultimately, PPC is a powerful tool for ensuring that construction projects are completed efficiently and predictably.